Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Raining On My Parade

I have recently been given a snow board. This Friday I am going up with my sister two of her friends and possibly my brother, but I hope not him. Pat and Andy were going to come but there is some sort of computer “Lan Party” (whatever) that they are going to and taking one of my best friends, Peter, to. Roland was going to go but now I have no idea what he’s doing. Supposedly this computer “hoky pokey” thing rarely ever happens so this is a big deal for them. Everybody who goes brings their own computer and then they all hook them up on a server and play computer games against each other all day. I don’t see a point, joy, or reason in it but if they want to go do that no one is stopping them. The funny thing is that Pat is always ragging on everyone else for always being on the computer odr their video games and now he is passing up going snowboarding (which he claims he is so good at, and always wants to go) to go to Red Rocks And play against other people on his computer all day. How playing on a computer against other people at home any different that this. I mean seriously just call a bunch of people up, tell them to get online and play against them. But no. there must be something about everyone being on the same server and in the same room playing each other. His excuse for not going snowboarding was that “well I really want to go but my parent just payed for my $40 lift ticket and I wouldn’t want them to have to do it again. Plus if I go Andy would go and then I would have to rent a board because he would use his. And these “Lan Pary’s” barely ever happen the last on was in like Nebraska a long time ago.” Well my opinion go get a job. Got to go bell rang


Blogger The Village Idiot said...

We had more fun snowboarding without them anyways! Hope you at fun, atleast. I'm realy sore now (my poor arms) and I don't wanna be at school. Go snowboarding again, and drop-kick the computer of anyone that doesn't want to go.

Monday, February 07, 2005 4:15:00 PM  

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