Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Isn't LIfe Just Peachy!

Sorry for not blogging in the longest time in the world. I have been busy with work and homework. Speaking of work last night, when I was under the weather (which must be bad cause it’s cold snowing, raining) and everything was very slow. Katy Megan and Alex went to a game night at one of Katy’s old high school teacher’s house. I was originally on cash. Josh T. wasn’t supposed to come in till six so Tony (who was running) came in at five and noodled till Josh came. Josh came, ate, and then Katherine decided that we didn’t need everybody working so she sent him home. I would have liked to have gone home seeing how I felt like crap, so I was cash and runner. Being cash and runner meant only one thing… I got to clean salad, and close cash. That wasn’t too bad I had it all under control until… it got really slow and Katherine sent Tony home. What do you think that means? Don’t hurt your brain thinking to hard. That meant I closed cash, cleaned salad, and closed noodle. In a sense I worked three different positions and was only credited for one. After I had closed cash, and finished everything required, me being the nice and caring person I am stayed and wrapped silverware for fifteen minutes. I was worn out. But that’s ok. By the end of the night I had no voice and was in tears anything I did hurt. I only tear-ed up when I got home cause Roland was being a pain in the ass! And to make it better I had homework. I did my geometry and didn’t even think twice about studying for my world history test. I can truthfully say now that it probably wouldn’t have made a difference if I had studied because I just finished my test about ten minutes ago and must say did quite well thanks to my friend who had her study guide on her desk. I guess I wasn’t the only one using it. Don’t worry I only used it for the first 76 questions after that I guessed and made pretty little patterns in my scantron sheet up to 126. Then I drew a picture of a medieval manor. Miss Sine isn’t here today which makes lyceum much better. Now we won’t have to talk about our New Year’s resolutions or if we believe Santa Claus is real. Mr. Gease is subbing and he doesn’t give a bumble bee’s stinger about what we do. I have to finish A Tale of Two Cities by Friday but why do home work now when I am able to blog.


Blogger The Village Idiot said...

Sounds like F*ing Frank has still got his odd notions about testing... Draw 3 battle tactics of the Mongols. You can get up to 165 points on a 125 point test, and NONE of the numbers are even enough to average... Do you know how you did on it?

Mr Gease - a bumble bee's stinger? Now, I've never heard that one before! Sounds like Katherine didn't give one about you on the night that you were sick. But if you work when you are sick (what doesn't kill you makes you stronger) then you get better at everything and they know you are a hard worker. You also run the risk (pleasure?) of infecting all those nasty people you are working with. Mwa-ha-ha-ha. Good luck on your reading! Hehe, I never read that book, too long and boring and hard to get into. THank goodnes I never had a teacher assign it!

Thursday, February 03, 2005 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come every blog you say something about it snowing???

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 11:01:00 AM  

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