Monday, December 13, 2004

Who needs English anyway?

Dabiase came in and gave us the AP3 speech and said he expects to see Jammy and Haas in his class. Gosh I’d love too but the work load will be like impossible!!
I should probably do my English paper but what’s the point. If three people can turn in the same paper with different font and receive catastrophically different grades although it was word for word, I think there is something wrong with Waaatson’s grading scale. He was talking to the Villarreal’s about how he grades and he used me as an example... Snaps for Val (Pause) and said “I know I have to grade her differently or else he dad will be very upset” or something to that extent. Ok it’s cool that he wants to grade people but he shouldn’t do it for the parent’s sake. I mean really. I could totally not grasp the concept but yet turn in a paper and get no lower than a 95. But let’s just make sure he keeps it like that I don’t need to work any harder his class is already impossible enough.


Blogger The Village Idiot said...

AP3 isn't that bad. The first tri stinks, but after that, especially with DeBiase, it'll be easy. Its a worthwhile class, believe you me. AP US history with Flanagan is the workload you're gonna hafta look out for. Do it do it do it! Since you'r3 my sister my bet is that he'll give you decently good grades.

Talk to Sister Joan (again, cuz you already should have done it once atleast) about Watson. He has no right to say stuff like that about you in class. His grading cracks me up. SOunds like he's pulling a DeBiase, effortly grading off preconceived notions.

Monday, December 13, 2004 9:44:00 PM  

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