Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Where am I going in life? What am I doing Here?

While driving to Starbucks this morning I saw Wheat Ridge Brush Truck, and then one the way to school Denver Fire dept. Then in art my friends shadow was drawing afire truck.
Speaking of art we started a new tri Monday. I now have Honors World History, Geometry, Visual Arts, Honors Biology, and unfortunately Honors English which has undergone a “Watson Reform.” Ms Lewis hates Watson. I heard he talking to Robertshaw this morning saying “this is my school and this guy just walks in here like…” you can probably guess. I strongly dislike him with a passion. He was saying that “we have to stay on track and the same subject or else Val will yell at us again.” Whatever. I only yelled at him once when I asked a question about our final (cause that’s a huge chunk of our grade) and he started talking about something totally different and I wrote the wrong info on my final so I had to redo it. Oh and I had a heated discussion with him yesterday cause he called me stupid, self centered, and very hard to get along with at times. I’m sorry I’m short tempered but if we studied something last trimester why should we study it again this tri. That man is so, just, ugh! Gross. Oh and he touched me today! I had to run to the bathroom and wash my hand. You think I’m over exaggerating but I’m not he’s so gross. He’s got a gobbler like Sister Catherine but his is worse, it’s like his whole neck, just a slimy wobble burble of flubber surrounding his spinal cord (if he even has one of those, he’s a walking blob of yuck). I don’t like my classes as much as I thought I would but oh well. Biology’s great I sit in the back of the class, seven seats back so I can look at everyone. I’m not sure I’ll like art as much as I thought. A lot is expected and I’m not an artist. Geometry is awesome though, the teacher is great, the class is small and Mr. Doyle loves Disney so we hear a lot of music from the movies, in class. Quizzes are extra credit and they’re on whatever is on his tie. Like the seven dwarves of Simba’s mom’s name (I don’t know that one).


Blogger The Village Idiot said...

You know, you are a little young to be having a mid-life crisis.

Thats pretty funny that Louie hates Watson. Poor Louie. People just keep walking in and out of the English Deparment and doing stuff to it. She's not exactly my favorite teacher, but I do feel kinda sorry for her. Oh well, not my school anymore.

Don't confront teachers like that. It may change things, but if you keep your head down, you'll get a better grade. I would talk to Sister Joan about how he called you stupid and hard to get along with. She might not do much about it, but atleast you didn't sit there and take it.

Good luck in Geometry. Ometries are so much more fun than algebra. Is Doyle new this year?

Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:17:00 PM  
Blogger Val said...

Doyle's new. watson gave me an a and would never think of giving me a lower one cause then dabiase will kill him. dabiase had to talk to him about the grades he gave some students. as far as parking we should all be able to park on uinta but people leave to much space in between them and the car in front. i don't work very much so i can't all ways bring in on duty though for today and tommorrow i got off duty food.

Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:42:00 PM  

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