Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I'm Glad I"m Not A Morning Person

Ok so the rest of the story was deletes by wonderful Roland. So if you really want to know let me know and I’ll post it. But anyway we are talking occasionally but he’s even more full of lies than before. I think I actually talk to Andy more than Pat which is a huge surprise. That would either mean that Pat and I barely talk or Andy and I talk a lot. Oh now to make my life better Maura has a boyfriend and decided to blow me off. I had to take my brother to two basket ball games because there was nobody else. My carpool is driving me nuts. My dad said it’s just because she’s a morning person. Well I’m glad I’ve met a morning person and I hope to all highs that I never become one. I mean seriously who is happy and smiley and cheerful at seven o’clock in the morning. She must go to bed at like six at night. Oooh and the way she says my name. Kill me now. Other than that life is just not great. The school disposed of Mrs. Lohner, she wasn’t a good teacher at all, and Ms. Gleason took over until next tri. Well next tri I was supposed to move up to Hon Geometry but decided not to because Doyle wouldn’t be teacher that class. So I stayed in the regular class. Now I think I end up with the new teacher anyway because Doyle is teaching Algebra two and trig. I’m going to be so mad if he’s not teaching the class I’m in. and unfortunately I’ll be stuck with Gambardella for a whole nother tri. And Richter but he’s not so bad at least I don’t have to take his final. Which reminds me I should probably go study for WH. I went snowboarding yesterday I’m a lot better at turning now and I was almost carving but I wiped out too much and my face got cold so I stopped trying. Andy went snowboarding and fell on a rail. I guess he cut his forehead up a bit and he thinks he broke a bone but I haven’t talked to him in a while. Lennie is still alive and well I should probably clean his tank again soon. I’m pretty sure mom bought Roland a wireless mouse but I don’t care anymore. All I know is I have to take him to the game again tonight. I think she’s sending him with me because she doesn’t trust me. What would I do? Everyone is telling me too get a boyfriend and three people keep telling me to go out with Andy. Well I have news for them. I hope to stay single until at least August 14 so I can celebrate the newest national (within friends) holiday. National Singles day. AKA the opposite of Valentine’s Day celebrations. But quirky things happen and you never know. I just received word from the enemy (Pat) he can’t hang out tonight because he has to work and then “work on a physics project with Tracey”. Excuse me but who does a project with their girlfriend, and remember it’s a “physic’s project” right. Anyway I’m going to go call Andy and see how he’s doing. Then go to the game. GO BUFFS! I need punches on my buff card otherwise I’m going to have to go to a hell of a lot of baseball games. By the way hockey is doing really good this year. Can’t think of anything else at the moment. I don’t feel good Bleh. :0{ (Look at it side ways)


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