Sunday, April 10, 2005

Snow on Sundays (emphasis on the SUN)

I feel so useless. It’s snowing like no other outside making business at Noodles really slow. I don’t have to work tonight which really throws me off. All of a sudden I have a ton of time and don’t know what to do with it. I now know how to open noodle, congrats to me. And I will very soon know how to dish. Noodles and Company is trying a promo dish, asparagus salad, and angel hair pasta with asparagus. Ugh Cathy made me eat some. Noel thought the face i made was funny so I had to eat another piece. Katherine refused, I guess she doesn't like aspargus. Speaking of which, Friday night Patty taught Cathy how to make it so we ate it then. Saturday morning Cathy taught Megan to make it. Saturday night Megan taught Alex to make it. And Sunday morning Katherine learned. Every shift I have we’ve had asparagus. I can complain about eating vegetables because I’ll eat asparagus and Katherine won’t. Since it was snowing a lot today there were obviously puddles of water and slush all over. Lucky me… to get from the curb to my car there was 6 inches of water. I stepped through it and my socks froze. It was funny because Noel was scraping off his car while standing in the water, complaining about how his seat got wet. I was standing in slush with ice covering the key hole on the door, and to make it better the little automatic battery unlock thing died. Once I got the car unlocked I realized the door handle was frozen shut so I had to pick the ice off that to open the car. To make it better the door was frozen shut. I had to take my keys and out line the door to remove the ice. Once I got into my car I located my pocket size ice scraper and attempted to scrape off my car. I wasn’t getting anywhere so Noel let me borrow his. Oh and snow/slush was falling from the roof when I walked out of the store, guess what happened. With my luck I don’t know how it didn’t fall on me, but it fell in front of me wow it would have been very cold. So to make my car troubles better the snowplow was going around and created little pathways… you know. Well what used to cover the street was now in front of my car. Oh it was fun! Don’t’ you love snow! So I left the parking lot and Noel was behind me. He stayed behind me till 20th and Youngfeild. Does anyone know where he lives? Ok so now I’m sitting at home because according to my mom it’s too dangerous to go out and drive. Ok, no, there is some snow on the road. People its Colorado! Oh well I think everyone is from some warm tropic place and have just recently moved here and are afraid of driving. I have so much time, and I don’t know what to do with it. I’m going to find someone to go sledding… or I’ll go build a snow man. It would be nice to have I snow day cause then I’d have a four day weekend.


Blogger The Village Idiot said...

Not fair! You guys get a blizzard! I had ice like that on my car. Its fun when it all falls off in sheets! we had inches of rain. its now hot and humid and muggy and unpleasant. My mouse and my plant and my rusty car and I aren't so happy! Asparagus: it makes your pee smell bad. Since when have you been touching vegetables?!

Monday, April 11, 2005 9:10:00 AM  

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