Monday, July 11, 2005


i have recently been bothered for not having blogged in a while. i can't thinkof anything to go on about right now but maybe later. In sjort, i have a dead pig in my basement, my sister is moving out, we have new doors in the house, i like a guy who works at starbucks, also one who works or worked at Peaberry. uuuuhhh... One of my best friends is in Europe for two weeks and the other is moving to Alabama. Andy is actually going out with Andrea and Pat has started his "you need to get a boyfriend thing again". My fish is still alive... and megan doesn't own a beater! Shocking I know. don't panic though that's not the worst of it..,. she doesn't even own a wisk. oy veh!!!!!!! Alex broke or cracked a cymbol poor guy and OMG!!!!!!!!!!! get this IHOP closed and yurned inot Mama's CAfe and will soon be turning into a Village INnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!! at least they'll have pie. Eeeewww there's too much conditioner in my hair. oh and I had my birthday and it was pathetic but i got lots of cool stuff so thanks. roland wiped microsoft office so this is really bad.


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